The effects of 5 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of THC in the bloodstream have been the subject of numerous studies in recent years, particularly in states where this is the legal limit for THC impairment while driving.
One study published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology in 2015 found that drivers with THC concentrations between 2 and 5 ng/mL had a significantly increased risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident compared to drivers who had not consumed cannabis. The study analyzed data from over 6,000 drivers involved in crashes in France, and found that the risk of an accident increased with higher levels of THC in the bloodstream.
Another study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence in 2017 found that drivers with THC levels of 5 ng/mL or higher had significantly impaired driving performance compared to drivers with lower levels of THC or no THC at all. The study tested driving performance in a simulated driving environment, and found that drivers with higher THC levels had slower reaction times, made more errors, and had difficulty maintaining a constant speed and staying in their lane.
However, it’s important to note that the effects of THC on driving can vary depending on the individual and their level of tolerance to the drug. Some regular cannabis users may be able to function relatively normally with 5 ng/mL of THC in their bloodstream, while occasional users or those with lower tolerance may experience significant impairment.
It’s also worth noting that while 5 ng/mL is the legal limit for THC impairment while driving in some states like Colorado, this limit is not based on a clear consensus on the level of THC that constitutes impairment.
Overall, it’s safest to avoid driving after consuming cannabis or any other psychoactive substance, and to wait until the effects have worn off before getting behind the wheel.
For more information, contact Rick Wagner at The Law Office of Rick Wagner.