A Return to Normal Traffic Flows

A Return to Normal Traffic Flows
As we slowly begin to leave the cocoons of our homes and return to work, there will be an inevitable increase in traffic. These past few weeks our trips to the grocery store and other essential locations have been met with light traffic. We’re driving faster because there aren’t as many cars on the road. Turning left at red lights has been easier too. So, now that we’ll be returning to normal traffic flows, what can we do to prepare for that?

Returning to Normal Traffic Flows

First, manage your expectations. Know that heavier traffic is coming and be ready for that. Plan to leave a little earlier for your commute.

Second, be alert. It’s possible we haven’t paid as much attention to the traffic around us lately because there hasn’t been much of it. Once that changes we’ll need to go back to being alert to what is happening around us.

Next, slow down. It’s easy to drive fast when traffic is light, but as we return to normal traffic flows, you’ll need to slow down.

Don’t be impulsive. Just because it was easy to cruise into the left turn lane and make that turn before, it might not be that way in a few weeks. Don’t assume you won’t have to wait. Be prepared to stop and wait for oncoming traffic before turning.

Be courteous. As a return to normal traffic flow happens we’ll all need to be a bit nicer to each other. First, we’re all stressed. Returning to “normal” of any kind is going to take some getting used to. Let’s give each other a break on the road and do our best to be kind.

Finally, please never drive distracted. Put your phone down and focus on the road. Again, when traffic is light it’s easy to take that phone call or check that text, but you shouldn’t. Now that traffic is returning to the roads, protect your fellow drivers by paying attention to the road.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help.

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